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Datei:Wall painting of Saint Philoumenos of Jacob's Well Church in Palestine.jpg
Wall painting of Philoumenos of_Jacob's Well in the Jacob's Well Church in Palestine


Vorlage:Πληροφορίες προσώπουΟ Άγιος Φιλούμενος ο Νέος Ιερομάρτυς (15 Οκτωβρίου 1913, Ορούντα, Κύπρος - 29 Νοεμβρίου 1979, Φρέαρ του Ιακώβ, Ιερουσαλήμ) είναι Άγιος της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας ο οποίος μαρτύρησε τον 20ό αιώνα στα Ιεροσόλυμα. Η μνήμη του εορτάζεται στις 29 Νοεμβρίου.


Ο Άγιος Φιλούμενος (κατά κόσμον Σοφοκλής Χασάπης) γεννήθηκε στις 15 Οκτωβρίου 1913 στο χωριό Ορούντα της επαρχίας Μόρφου της Κύπρου <ref> Ο άγιος Νεομάρτυς Φιλούμενος </ref>. Από μικρή ηλικία έδειξε την θρησκευτικότητά του και την κλίση του προς αφιέρωση. Γαλουχήθηκε στην Ορθόδοξη πίστη από την γιαγιά του Λωξάντρα μαζί με τον δίδυμο αδελφό του Αλέξανδρο (μετέπειτα Αρχιμανδρίτη Ελπίδιο) <ref> Ο Γέρων Ελπίδιος </ref>.


Το 1927, σε ηλικία 14 ετών, τα δύο αδέρφια κάνουν μια απόπειρα αποταγής από τα εγκόσμια και ταξιδεύουν οδοιπορικώς προς την Ιερά Μονή Σταυροβουνίου. Το Σταυροβούνι, το γνωστό αυστηρό και ασκητικό μοναστήρι της Κύπρου βρισκόταν τότε σε περίοδο άνθησης. Έγιναν δεκτοί από τον διακριτικό Γέροντα Βαρνάβα και με την συγκατάθεση των ευλαβών γονέων τους έμειναν ως δόκιμοι μοναχοί. Στην Κύπρο έμειναν για περίοδο περίπου 6 ετών και ακολούθως μετέβησαν στα Ιεροσόλυμα κατόπιν προσκλήσεως του Έξαρχου του Παναγίου Τάφου. Στα Ιεροσόλυμα παρακολούθησαν μαθήματα στο Γυμνάσιο του Πατριαρχείου και στην Σχολή της Αγίας Σιών. Το 1937 εκάρησαν Μοναχοί λαμβάνοντας τα μοναχικά ονόματα, ο μεν Σοφοκλής ονομάζεται Φιλούμενος, ο δε Αλέξανδρος ονομάζεται Ελπίδιος <ref> Κύπριοι Αγιοταφίτες - Κατάλογος κατ’ ἀλφαβητικήν σειράν Κυπρίων Κληρικῶν, Μελῶν τῆς Ἁγιοταφιτικῆς Ἀδελφότητος </ref>. thumb|Τοιχογραφία από το μαρτύριο Ακολούθως, χειροτονήθηκαν διάκονοι και το 1939 αποφοίτησαν από το Γυμνάσιο. Ο πατήρ Ελπίδιος έφυγε από την Αγία Γη, διακόνησε σε διάφορες άλλες υπηρεσίες, όπως στην Ιερά Μονή Μαχαιρά στην Κύπρο, και στο Άγιο Όρος. Ο Άγιος Φιλούμενος όμως παρέμεινε στα Ιεροσόλυμα για 45 συναπτά έτη, μέχρι το μαρτύριό του. Το 1943 χειροτονήθηκε Πρεσβύτερος και στις 8 Μαΐου του 1979 μετατέθηκε στο Φρέαρ του Ιακώβ. Εκεί υπηρέτησε μέχρι το μαρτυρικό του θάνατο, στις 29 Νοεμβρίου.


Αφότου μετατέθηκε στο Φρέαρ του Ιακώβ, αντιμετώπιζε πολλά προβλήματα από φανατικούς Εβραίους. Αυτοί τον απειλούσαν συνεχώς με θάνατο και τον καλούσαν να εγκαταλείψει την διακονία του και να πάρει τις εικόνες και τον Εσταυρωμένο από το Φρέαρ <ref> ΑΓΙΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΥΜΕΝΟΣ Ο ΑΓΙΟΤΑΦΙΤΗΣ (ΕΟΡΤΗ ΜΝΗΜΗΣ 29 ΝΟΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ) </ref>.

Σύμφωνα με μαρτυρίες, το απόγευμα της 29ης Νοεμβρίου του 1979, ημέρα της μνήμης του Αγίου Μάρτυρος Φιλουμένου, φανατικοί Εβραίοι μπήκαν στο χώρο του Φρέατος του Ιακώβ κι ενώ ο Άγιος τελούσε τον Εσπερινό. Τότε του επιτέθηκαν με τσεκούρι, τον κακοποίησαν και τέλος τον σκότωσαν. Από το σώμα του είχε πολλά τραύματα που έδειχναν πως χτυπήθηκε στο πρόσωπο και του έκοψαν τα δάχτυλα του δεξιού του χεριού. Οι φανατικοί Εβραίοι ακολούθως βεβήλωσαν την Εκκλησία και το Σταυρό κι έριξαν μια χειροβομβίδα καταστρέφοντας τον χώρο.


Με την πάροδο 30 ετών από το μαρτύριο του Αγίου, την Κυριακή, 29 Νοεμβρίου 2009 το Πατριαρχείο Ιεροσολύμων τον ανακήρυξε επίσημα Άγιο, τον κατέταξε δηλαδή στο επίσημο Αγιολόγιο της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας. Η λειτουργία και Πράξη της αγιοκατάταξής του έγινε στο Φρέαρ του Ιακώβ στην παλαιστινιακή πόλη Ναπλούς, δηλαδή στον ιερό χώρο όπου υπηρέτησε και μαρτύρησε τελικά ο Άγιος Φιλούμενος. Η μνήμη του εορτάζεται στις 29 Νοεμβρίου. Ακολουθίες του Αγίου Ιερομάρτυρος Φιλουμένου, έχουν συντάξει ο Δρ. Χαράλαμπος Μπούσιας, ο οποίος, είναι Υμνογράφος του Πατριαρχείου Αλεξανδρείας, και ο Σεβασμιώτατος Μητροπολίτης Εδέσσης, Πέλλης και Αλμωπίας κ. Ιωήλ, κατόπιν παρακλήσεως του Μακαριωτάτου Πατριάρχου Ιεροσολύμων Θεοφίλου του Γ΄.

Το Συναξάριον γράφει:<ref> Ἀκολουθία Ἁγίου Ἱερομάρτυρος Φιλουμένου </ref>:





  • Ο Άγιος Νέος Ιερομάρτυς Φιλούμενος ο Κύπριος. Έκδοσις Ιεράς Μονής Αγίου Νικολάου, Ορόυντα - Κύπρος, 2007.

Εξωτερικοί σύνδεσμοι

Κατηγορία:Χριστιανοί άγιοι Κατηγορία:Άγιοι της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας Κατηγορία:Γεννήσεις το 1913 Κατηγορία:Θάνατοι το 1979 Κατηγορία:Κύπριοι μοναχοί Κατηγορία:Νεομάρτυρες


Vorlage:קדוש נוצרי המרטיר פילומנוס (סופוקלס הסאפיס) מבאר יעקביוונית גם Φιλούμενος Χασάπης; Φιλούμενος ο Κύπριος; או Φιλούμενος Ορουντιώτης;Vorlage:כ 15 באוקטובר 1913 - 29 בנובמבר 1979) היה נזיר וארכימנדריט במנזר באר יעקב בשכם, אשר נרצח על ידי יהודי לוקה בנפשו בשם אשר רבי ב-29 בנובמבר 1979Vorlage:הערהVorlage:הערה. ב-2009, שלושים שנה לאחר הרצח, הועלה פילומנוס למדרגת קדוש על ידי הפטריארכיה היוונית-אורתודוקסית של ירושלים. יום חגו נקבע כ-29 בנובמבר בלוח השנה היוליאני (16 בנובמבר בלוח השנה הגרגוריאני) ומקום פולחנו במנזר באר יעקב בשכםVorlage:הערה.

תולדות חייו

נולד בשם סופוקלס הסאפיס בכפר אורונטה במרכז קפריסין. בגיל 14 עזב את ביתו יחד עם אחיו, אלפידיוס, למנזר סטרובוני, שם שהו שש שנים לפני שהמשיכו לארץ ישראל. פילומנוס הוכשר לכמורה והוסמך על ידי הפטריארכיה היוונית-אורתודוקסית של ירושלים ככומר וכארכימנדריט. ב-1979 מונה לאחראי על מנזר באר יעקב בשכם. במהלך תפקידו התעמת עם מתנחלים יהודים, שביקשו להתפלל במקום ודרשו להסיר ממנו סממנים נוצריים, וגירש אותם מהמתחם.


אשר רבי, חוזר בתשובה מעורער בנפשו מתל אביב, הרבה לשוטט באזור ולבקר בבאר יעקב. באחד הימים טיפס על חומת המנזר וכשהבחין בפילומנוס זרק לעברו רימון יד. לאחר מכן, על מנת לוודא הריגה, רוצץ את גוגלתו בגרזן. לאחר מכן נמלט רבי מהמקום, כיוון ששבר את רגלו הובא על ידי נהג מונית ערבי לבית חולים תל השומר. לפני כן, באפריל, ידה רימון יד לעבר קבוצת צליינים במקום ופצע נזירה. גם אז הצליח להמלט להר גריזים, שם קרא בתורה במשך יומיים. רבי נתפס על ידי משטרת ישראל ב-1982 באשמת רצח הגינקולוג דוד קוגן והודה ברצח פילומנוס במהלך חקירתו. רבי תירץ את מעשיו בכך שפעל לפי "צו אלוהי" ונשלח לאשפוז בבית חולים פסיכיאטרי.

פולחנו כקדוש

בשנת 2009, לרגל 30 שנה למותו, הועלה פילומנוס למעלת קדוש ומרטיר של הכנסייה היוונית אורתודוקסית. ב-5 במרץ 2010 הוכר כקדוש גם על ידי הסינוד של הכנסייה הרוסית הפרבוסלביתVorlage:הערה. פולחנו, המתרכז במתחם מנזר באר יעקב (וכן בכנסייה שבכפר הולדתו בקפריסין), מעלה על נס את מותו על מזבח ההתנגדות ללאומנות הציונית. לפי הנרטיב המקובל בכנסייה ומוצג בשלטים במתחם המנזר, קבוצת המתנחלים עינתה ורצחה את פילומנוסVorlage:הערה. זאת, על אף שלא הוכח כל קשר בין התעמתותו של פילומנוס עם המתנחלים לבין מקרה הרצח על ידי רבי, בו היה קורבן אקראי. גולגלתו המנותצת מוצגת בכנסייה כשרידי קדושים. באופן יוצא דופן מוקירים גם מוסלמים מקומיים את הקדוש ועולים לרגל למנזרVorlage:הערה.

קישורים חיצוניים

הערות שוליים

Vorlage:הערות שוליים

קטגוריה:קדושים נוצרים קטגוריה:קורבנות רצח בישראל קטגוריה:אנטישמיות מודרנית קטגוריה:שכם



Филуме́н Святогро́бец (Vorlage:Lang-el, или Филуме́н Киприо́т, Vorlage:Lang-el, Филумен Орундский, Φιλουμενος Ορουντιωτης, в миру Софокли́с Хаса́пис, Vorlage:Lang-el; 15 октября 1913, Никосия, Кипр<ref name="никифорова">Александра Никифорова Уверовавшие и распинающие</ref> — 29 ноября 1979, Наблус, Палестинская Автономия) — архимандрит Иерусалимской православной церкви, игумен греческого православного монастыря при Колодце Иакова в Наблусе (Сихем), в Самарии, на Западном берегу реки Иордан. Зверски убит еврейским религиозным фанатиком<ref>Vorlage:Cite news</ref><ref name="filias">Vorlage:Cite web</ref><ref>Vorlage:Cite journal</ref><ref>Vorlage:Cite web</ref><ref>Vorlage:Cite book</ref><ref>Vorlage:Cite news</ref><ref name=maariv_1982_12_02>«Маарив», 2/12/1982Vorlage:Ref-he</ref><ref name=maariv_1982_12_17>«Маарив», 17/12/1982Vorlage:Ref-he</ref>.

Канонизирован Иерусалимской церковью 11 сентября 2009 года в лике святых как священномученик. Память совершается в день мученичества — 16 ноября (по юлианскому календарю).<ref name="патриархия">В месяцеслов Русской Православной Церкви включено имя священномученика Филумена Святогробца</ref><ref>Отец Филумен принял мученическую смерть в день своего тезоименитства: 29 ноября (по юлианскому календарю) совершается память святых мучеников Парамона и Филумена († ок. 270 года).</ref>


Родился в 1913 году на Кипре. Его родители происходили из селения Орунда (en:Orounta) в районе Морфу, неподалеку от Никосии. Их звали Георгий и Магдалина Хасаписы, они были благочестивы и имели тринадцать детей.<ref name="никифорова" />

В 1927 году вместе со своим братом-близнецом Александром стал послушником в монастыре Ставровуни. В 1934 году переехал в Иерусалим, начал обучение в гимназии Иерусалимской православной церкви. В 1937 году принял монашеский постриг с именем Филумен и 5 сентября того же года был рукоположён во иеродиакона. Окончив обучение в 1939 году Филумен исполнял различные послушания в Иерусалимской патриархии, некоторое время жил в лавре Саввы Освященного. 1 ноября 1944 года Филумен был рукоположён во иеромонаха. Был настоятелем различных храмов и монастырей в Иерусалиме, Яффе, Рамалле.

[[Файл:Church of Bir Ya'qub.JPG|thumb|220px|left|Греческая православная церковь св. Фотинии Самарянки построенная над Колодцем Иакова. Вид из монастырского двора.]] 8 мая 1979 года был назначен игуменом монастыря у Колодца Иакова в Самарии. Вскоре после назначения группа иудейских фанатиков потребовала от него убрать кресты и иконы от колодца Иакова, заявив, что христианская символика мешает им молиться в этом священном для них месте. Архимандрит Филумен отказался, напомнив, что Колодец Иакова был и остаётся православной святыней многие сотни лет. В ответ была высказана угроза, что если архимандрит не уйдёт с этого места, то он должен готовиться к худшему. Выкрикивая непристойности и угрозы в адрес христиан, иудеи ушли.

29 ноября 1979 года во время совершения вечерни в своём монастыре он был убит евреем-фанатиком Ашером Раби. Убийца бросил в монаха гранату, а затем добил топором. Убийца был задержан спустя три года монахом монастыря у Колодца Иакова при попытке снова проникнуть в монастырь. После того, как был передан израильской полиции, Ашер Раби сознался в убийстве архимандрита Филумена, а также нескольких других убийствах и покушениях на убийство на почве религиозной ненависти.<ref name=maariv_1982_12_02/><ref name=maariv_1982_12_17/> После убийства было совершено осквернение храма: разрублено распятие, разбросаны и осквернены священные сосуды<ref>Совершено прославление нового святого Иерусалимской Православной Церкви — новомученика Филумена</ref>. Тело архимандрита Филумена было погребено на кладбище братства Гроба Господня на горе Сион.

Критика мученечествого нарратива

Британский публичный центр по делам Израиля заявил что «греческий монах Филумен, был жестоко убит около колодца Иакова в Наблусе в 1979-ом году. Полиция провела расследование. Убийца был пойман и признался в содеянном. Убийца был евреем, а не поселенцем. Убийца являлся религиозным фанатиком (он также был признан виновным в убийстве еврейского доктора в Тель-Авиве и в убийстве мусульманина)»<ref>Vorlage:Cite web</ref>.

Профессор Давид Гуревич и Иска Харани также критикуют сложившийся нарратив о еврее убийце. Они допускают антисемитский след в этом нарративе: «ложные обвинения евреев в совершение ритуального убийства христиан, включая распятие, были известны со Средних Веков. Возможно тот факт, что убийца был религиозным евреем, послужил основой для истории, носившей явный антисемитский характер».<ref>Vorlage:Cite web</ref>.


thumb|220px 30 ноября 1983 года Патриарх Иерусалимский Диодор совершил открытие мощей Филумена. Их обнаружили практически полностью нетленными, обмыли, покрыли новым покровом и поместили в Троицком храме греческой семинарии на Сионе. Через несколько месяцев их вновь погребли на прежнем месте. 8 января 1985 года мощи вновь извлекли из земли и поместили в Троицком храме в специально устроенной раке. 29 августа 2008 года перед освящением храма Фотинии Самарянки монастыря над Колодцем Иакова мощи из Иерусалима перенесли в Наблус.

11 сентября 2009 года Филумен Святогробец был канонизирован как священномученик иерусалимским патриархом Феофилом III.<ref name="патриархия" /> 29 ноября 2009 года в храме святой Фотинии Самарянки состоялась торжественная церемония с крестным ходом в честь прославления.

5 марта 2010 года Священный синод Русской православной церкви постановил: «включить имя священномученика Филумена (Хасаписа) в месяцеслов Русской Православной Церкви с установлением празднования его памяти 16/29 ноября, как это установлено в Иерусалимской Церкви».<ref>Журналы заседания Священного Синода от 5 марта 2010 года на сайте Патриархия.Ru</ref>


Греческий текст Церковно-славянский текст<ref>перевод священника Федора Людоговского</ref>
Μεγαλυνάριον (Величание)<ref name="никифорова" /> Χαίροις, της Ορούντης σεπτός βλαστός, χαίροις, νήσου Κύπρου πολυτίμητος θησαυρός, χαίροις, Εκκλησίας της Μόρφου ωραιότητης, Φιλούμενε, μαρτύρων νέων υπόδειγμα! Радуйся, Орунты честная отрасле, радуйся, Кипра многоценное сокровище, радуйся, Церкве Морфския украшение, Филумене, новомученик образе!

См. также




Категория:Родившиеся в Никосии Категория:Архимандриты Иерусалимской православной церкви Категория:Священномученики Категория:Православные святые Категория:Христианские святые XX века Категория:Канонизированные в XXI веке


Новомученик Філумен (Хасапіс) (Vorlage:Lang-el, 15 жовтня 1913, Нікосія, Кіпр - † 16 листопада 1979, Сихем, Палестина) — новоканонізований православний святий, прославлений в Єрусалимській Церкві. Ігумен грецького православного монастиря Криниця Якова поблизу Самарії в Палестині, міста тепер званого Наблус. Був вбитий.<ref> Канонизирован новый святой Иерусалимской Православной Церкви - новомученик Филумен.</ref>

Святий новомученик Філумен, в миру Софокліс Хасапіс, народився в столиці Кіпру Нікосії 15 жовтня 1913 року. В 1927 році поступив до числа насельників монастиря Ставровуні разом зі своїм братом Олександром. В 1934 році брати приїхали до Єрусалиму і поступили до гімназії Єрусалимської Православної Церкви. Тут через три роки вони прийняли чернечий постриг з іменами Філумен та Елпідіос. Того ж року, 5 вересня, монах Філумен був рукоположений в ієродиякона. Ієромонах Елпідіос згодом був запрошений до Олександрійської Православної Церкви. Після закінчння семинарії в 1939 році святий Філумен ніс різні послушання в Патріархії, декілька років подвизався в лаврі святого Савви. 1 листопада 1944 року він був рукоположений в ієромонаха. До 8 травня 1979 року, коли святий Філумен був призначений ігуменом монастиря при Колодязі Якова в Самарії, він був настоятелем різних грецьких храмів і монастирів у Святій Землі — в Єрусалимі, Яффі, Рамаллі.

Вбивство та мученицька смерть Святого Філумена

Незадовго до вбивства отця Філумена група людей появилася в монастирі і вимагала усунути хрести та ікони з Колодязя Якова з тієї причини, що символи християнства мішають їм молитися в цьому священному для них місці. Настоятель монастиря відмовився це зробити, нагадавши, що Колодязь Якова був і залишається православноою святинею багато сотень років. У відповідь була зроблена погроза, що якщо він не піде звідти, то повинен готуватися до гіршого. Викрикуючи богохульства, непристойності і погрози християнам, фанатики пішли.

В день пам'яті святого апостола Матвія вбивці увірвалися до монастиря. Вони нанесли отцю Філумену сокирою в лице дві хрестообразні рани, викололи йому очі і відрубили по частинам пальці правої руки. Проте вбивства смиренного священнослужителя їм було недостатотнім, вони осквернили ще і саму церкву: розрубали розпяття, розкидали і осквернили священні сосуди і здійснили інші глумливі дії.

Тіло святого Філумена було віднайдене нетлінним <ref> Патриархия РПЦ: Совершено прославление нового святого Иерусалимской Православной Церкви – новомученика Филумена</ref>.



Категорія:Персоналії за алфавітом Категорія:Православні новомученики Категорія:Святі Ізраїлю Категорія:Святі Кіпру Категорія:Священномученики Категорія:Померли 16 листопада Категорія:Померли 1979 Категорія:Народились 15 жовтня Категорія:Народились 1913 Категорія:Православні святі


Vorlage:Infobox saint

New Martyr Archimandrite Philoumenos (Hasapis) of Jacob's Well (Greek: Φιλούμενος Χασάπης; Φιλούμενος ο Κύπριος; or Φιλούμενος Ορουντιώτης), October 15, 1913 – November 29, 1979, was the Igumen of the Greek Orthodox monastery of Jacob's Well,<ref group="note">Vorlage:Gr icon: Αγιοταφίτης Αρχιμανδρίτης Φιλούμενος, καθηγούμενος της Ιεράς Μονής του Φρέατος του Ιακώβ.</ref> near the city of Samaria, now called Nablus (Neapolis), in the West Bank.


Saint Philoumenos was born Sophocles Hasapis<ref>Vorlage:Gr icon ΜΑΡΙΟΥ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ. Φιλούμενος, ο τελευταίος Άγιος της Κύπρου. Σημερινή ( 07/12/2009. Retrieved 25 January 2014.</ref> on October 15, 1913, in the village of Orounta in the province of Morphou, in Cyprus.

At the age of 14, he and his twin brother, the future Archimandrite Elpidios, left their home to become monks at the Stavrovouni Monastery in Cyprus where they stayed for 6 years and then left for the Holy Land to continue their monastic life and attended the local High School. He was ordained a priest and became a trusted priest of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, later being raised to the office of archimandrite.

In 1979, he was assigned as the guardian of the Monastery of Jacob's Well.


Over a couple of weeks the local Jewish settlers had been coming to pray there and demanded that Christian symbols be removed.<ref group="note">"The week before a group of fanatical Zionists came to the monastery at Jacob’s Well, claiming it as a Jewish holy place and demanding that all crosses and icons be removed. Father Philoumenos gently reminded them that the floor they were standing on had been built by the Emperor, St. Constantine, in 331 A.D. The shrine at Jacob’s Well had served as an Orthodox Christian holy place for sixteen centuries before the Israeli state was created, and had been in Samaritan hands before that..."<ref name=ACROD>Very Rev. Fr. Edward Pehanich. Father Philoumenos of Jacobs Well 1913-1979. In: The Church Messenger, American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. Volume LXIV, Number 1, January 27, 2008. Page 7.</ref></ref> Philoumenos complied. Despite this, the settlers threatened him.<ref>Vorlage:Cite news</ref> After his guard left home, Philoumenos was hacked to death with axes by Jewish Zionist settlers,<ref>Vorlage:Cite news</ref><ref>Vorlage:Cite book</ref><ref>Vorlage:Cite web</ref> while serving Vespers on November 29, 1979.<ref>Monk Yeghia Yenovkian Paradise Monastery, Ellisville, Mississippi. Tribute to a New Martyr - Our Holy Father Philoumenos of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre.</ref><ref>Vorlage:Cite web</ref> According to Rupert Shortt, a religion editor of the Times Literary Supplement,<ref>Vorlage:Cite web</ref> Philoumenos eyes were gouged out, and the fingers of his right hand were hacked off.<ref>Vorlage:Cite book</ref> A grenade was also thrown into the church, which was ransacked.<ref name="filias">Vorlage:Gr icon 29/11 Hμέρα εορτασμού της Ελληνο-σιωνιστικής... φιλίας.... Retrieved 28 December 2013.</ref><ref name="agioritikovima">Vorlage:Cite news</ref>

Criticism of martyrdom narrative

The Britain Israel Public Affairs Center claims that "The Greek monk, Philloumeno, was brutally murdered at Jacob's Well near Nablus, in 1979. After a police investigation the murderer was caught, tried and convicted. He was a Jew, not a 'settler', and a pathological killer (he was also found guilty of the brutal axe-murders of a Jewish doctor in Tel Aviv and a Muslim)."<ref>Vorlage:Cite web</ref>

Dr. David Gurevich and Yisca Harani also criticize the popular narrative by claiming existence of anti-Semitic tropes: "The false accusations of Jews committing a ritual murder of Christians, inclusive Crucifixion murder, are known from the Middle Ages... Perhaps the fact that the murderer was a Jewish observant person, served a basis for a narrative which has a clear Anti-Semitic character".<ref>Vorlage:Cite web</ref><ref>Vorlage:Cite web</ref><ref name=":0">Vorlage:Cite web</ref>


The police confirmed the cause of the death.<ref group="note">"The church and the holy things were all desecrated."<ref name=ACROD/></ref> The funeral was attended by local and international civil and church dignitaries.<ref name="filias"/><ref name="agioritikovima"/> Some sources claim that no-one was arrested<ref group="note">"[...] No one was ever arrested."<ref name=ACROD/></ref>,<ref>Vorlage:Cite web</ref> while others, e.g. the historian William Dalrymple after an on-site research, that an Israeli from Tel Aviv had been charged with this and other murders.<ref>Vorlage:Cite book</ref><ref>Vorlage:Cite news</ref> Israeli newspapers named the killer as a mentally unstable mass murderer, caught by police in 1982, acting on religious motives to "stamp out the evil". After a court case he was involuntarily committed while the police files were sealed.<ref name=":0" />


In 2009 the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem declared him a saint thirty years after his martyrdom.<ref name=JERUS-PATR-0911/> His feast day is celebrated on November 16 (O.S.) / 29 (N.S.),<ref name=JERUS-PATR-0911/><ref name=DECR/><ref name=PRAVOSLAVIE>November 16/29. Orthodox Calendar (PRAVOSLAVIE.RU).</ref><ref group="note">The notation Old Style or (OS) is sometimes used to indicate a date in the Julian Calendar (which is used by churches on the "Old Calendar"); the notation New Style or (NS), indicates a date in the Revised Julian calendar (which is used by churches on the "New Calendar").</ref> as per the decision of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in 2009,<ref group="note">"Today, after the completion of thirty years since the day of his martyrdom, based on the Synodic decision of Our Holy and Sacred Synod, we officially place in the Synaxarion, the celebration of this new hieromartyr on this day of his martyrdom, 16th/29th of November each year, to the benefit of the souls and to the glory of Our Holy Triune God."<ref name=JERUS-PATR-0911/></ref> seconded by the same resolution by the Patriarchate of Moscow and all Russia in 2010.<ref group="note">Vorlage:Ru icon: 5 марта 2010 года Священный синод Русской православной церкви постановил:

«включить имя священномученика Филумена (Хасаписа) в месяцеслов Русской Православной Церкви с установлением празднования его памяти 16/29 ноября, как это установлено в Иерусалимской Церкви».<ref name=ROC/></ref>

Churches on the New Calendar list his feast day directly on November 29 (N.S.).<ref name=SYNAX-GR/><ref name=KLITOU/>

Orthodox Hymns

Troparion (Tone 3)

Vanquisher of daemons,
dispeller of the powers of darkness,
by thy meekness thou hast inherited the earth
and reignest in the Heavens;
intercede, therefore, with our Merciful God,
that our souls may be saved.<ref>Holy Hieromartyr Philoumenos. All Saints of North America Russian Orthodox Church. (Eastern American Diocese - Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia). Retrieved 29 October 2009.
(All Saints of North America Church has been relocated to Harrisonburg, VA under the name Holy Myrrhbearers Church).</ref>

Troparion (Tone 4)

At Jacob's Well you were proved well named:
loving Christ, confessing Him, pouring out your sacred blood.
Being faithful in small things you were set over great.
Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth,
you are now Guardian of the Holy Places forever.<ref name=ACROD/>





External links


Category:1913 births Category:1979 deaths Category:20th-century Christian saints Category:20th-century Eastern Orthodox clergy Category:20th-century Eastern Orthodox martyrs Category:Assassinated Cypriot people Category:Cypriot saints Category:Cypriot religious leaders Category:Deaths by blade weapons Category:Eastern Orthodox monks Category:Eastern Orthodox saints Category:Saints from the Holy Land Category:People from Nicosia Category:Murdered priests

Englisch 2

New Martyr Archimandrite Philoumenos (†1979), keeper of the Greek Orthodox monastery of Jacob's Well in Samaria (Nablus, West Bank).

New martyr Archimandrite Philoumenos (Hasapis)<ref group="note">Of Father Philoumenos' surname, his spiritual son Monk Yeghia Yenovkian writes that he was "Born to the pious Cypriot family of Hasapis." In a Greek source, published in August 2004 which deals with modern saints of the Orthodox Church, Fr. Philoumenos is referred to in a brief biographical entry as "Orountiotis" however; this latter term in the Greek refers to his place his origin (i.e. "of the village of Orounta") and not to his surname.</ref> (Greek: Π. Φιλουμενος ο Κυπριος , also Π. Φιλουμενος Ορουντιωτης ), October 15, 1913 - November 16, 1979, was the Igumen of the Greek Orthodox monastery of Jacob's Well near the city of Samaria, now called Nablus (Neapolis), in the West Bank.

In a Synodal decision the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem classified him in its Hagiologion at its 50th Session on September 11, 2009.<ref>Jerusalem Patriarchate - News Gate.CLASSIFICATION TO THE HAGIOLOGION OF THE MARTYR FILOUMENOS, SUPERIOR OF JACOB’S WELL. 29/11/2009.</ref> He was officially glorified by the the Patriarchate of Jerusalem on November 29, 2009, and is commemorated by the Church on November 29.<ref name=SYNAX>Great Synaxaristes Vorlage:El icon: Ὁ Ἅγιος Φιλούμενος ὁ νέος Ἱερομάρτυρας. 29 Νοεμβρίου. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.</ref><ref group="note">Father Philoumenos' was martyred on his Name day, November 29th, which is also the feast of the 3rd century martyrs Paramon and Philoumen (ca. AD 270).</ref> His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilus III presided at the Divine Liturgy, along with the bishops of the Patriarchal see of Jerusalem and a number of bishops from the Church of Cyprus, in addition to a delegation from the Russian Church.

The life of Father Philoumenos is an example that martyrdom for Christ is not of the past from the Roman Empire or Communist times, but is a reality even in our own day.<ref name="ACROD">Very Rev. Fr. Edward Pehanich. Father Philoumenos of Jacobs Well 1913-1979. In: The Church Messenger, American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. Volume LXIV, Number 1, January 27, 2008. Page 7.</ref>


Saint Philoumenos came from the village of Orounta in the province of Morphou, Cyprus. The neomartyr was born in 1913 to George and Magdalene Hasapis, along with his twin brother Archimandrite Elpidios. Even though his parents came from the village of Orounta, they lived at the parish of St. Savvas in Nicosia, since his father had his own inn and bakery there.<ref name="NOCTOC">NOCTOC: Ο Κύπριος Άγιος Φιλούμενος που κατακρεούργησαν οι σιωνιστές Εβραίοι το 1979-The Cypriot Saint Philoumenos who was massacred by Zionist Jews in 1979. Saturday, November 29, 2008.</ref>

From a young age, he and his brother Elpidios showed a special zeal for the sacred Scriptures of Christ, being inspired in particular by their grandmother Loxantra, who aside from their mother, influenced them in learning the ways of the Church and developing a truly Orthodox conscience.<ref name="NOCTOC"/>

Together with his brother Elpidios, they showed a strong enthusiasm for prayer, read the lives of the Saints, and learned the hymns of the Church. In particular they where touched by the life of Saint John the "Kalyvitis", who in some way made an impact on them, to the point of inspiring them to want to follow the life of monks.

At the age of 14, the two brothers left for the ancient Monastery of Stavrovouni, founded by the Empress St. Helen, and stayed there for five years.<ref name="NOCTOC"/>

In the Holy Land

Datei:Neomartyr Philoumenos.jpg
New Martyr Archimandrite Philoumenos (+1979), keeper of the Greek Orthodox monastery of Jacob's Well in Samaria (Nablus, West Bank).

Afterwards, they both left for Jerusalem, where they attended High School. Upon finishing High School in 1939, Father Elpidios served as a priest in different places, eventually leaving for Mount Athos,<ref group="note">Archimandrite Elpidios died on November 29, 1983.</ref>, while Father Philoumenos joined the monastic Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.<ref name="ACROD"/>

His spiritual son, the Monk Yeghia<ref group="note">Rev. Fr. Hieroschemamonk Elia (Yenovkian) (Synod of Milan), Igumen of Paradise Palestinian Hermitage, Ellisville, Mississippi.</ref> wrote these reminiscences of his father in Christ:

Father Philoumenos used to tell me about his years in Bethlehem, where the bishop disapproved of education for monks lest they be tempted to the priesthood. But because of his zeal for the neglected souls of the Palestinian faithful, Father Philoumenos studied to become fluent in Arabic, both literary and conversational, chanting the Holy Gospel more easily than many Arabs, and preaching the Orthodox faith not only in their language but in his Orthodox manner of life. What a good shepherd he was, more worthy than some of the episcopate! Yet the policies and needs of the patriarchate saw Father Philoumenos assigned to other positions. Whenever Palestinian faithful were scandalized by some unworthy priest, whenever Orthodox neglect or European money drove the faithful to wonder whether they would not receive better pastoral care from Uniates, it was Father Philoumenos that the Patriarch of Jerusalem sent as the true defender of the Faith, a man of more than blameless life, a man from whom no one could even imagine any immodest or improper word, a man whose faith and integrity were a model for all.<ref name="Yeghia">Monk Yeghia Yenovkian Paradise Palestinian Hermitage, Ellisville, Mississippi. Tribute to a New Martyr - Our Holy Father Philoumenos of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre . Martyred at Jacob's Well, 16/29 November, 1979. In: Orthodox America, 1994.</ref>
Three things were most remarkable about the blessed martyr. The first might have been partly from nature, but assuredly aided by Grace: this was his soft sweet voice, which I can still hear today. The second was a meticulous fidelity to small things, but specifically to the Divine Service. He never omitted one word of any day's service. When we were alone in some remote monastery, particularly for Matins, he slowly and carefully chanted each word of every psalm and canon. Not even at the Monastery of St. Sabba was the reading done so well. But when there were pilgrims for the Divine Liturgy and vespers, he made the usual abridgements lest the service be too long and some be tempted to leave. Later on, privately, he would read every word that had not been chanted in the church. Those who stayed with him for some time saw the copies of the menaion, horologion, synaxarion, etc. and noticed that the markers were always in place and the volumes never dusty, which earned the Divine Promise, Well done thou good and faithful servant, because thou hast been faithful over little things, I will set thee over great things Enter thou into the joy of the Lord (Matt. 25:21). Third, and as unobtrusive, almost secret, was his humility.<ref name="Yeghia"/>

In 1979 Saint Philoumenos was appointed guardian of the Monastery of Saint Jacob's Well.<ref name="NOCTOC"/>


The crowning moment of Father Philoumenos’ earthly pilgrimage came on November 16/29, 1979 at the shrine built on the site of Jacob's Well. The Saint experienced a martyric death at the hands of extremist Jewish Zionists who massacred him with an ax in the evening, while he was performing Vespers at the Well of Jacob where he lived as a loyal guardian of the Holy Places and centuries old way of life.<ref name="NOCTOC"/>

The week before his martyrdom, a group of fanatical Zionists had come to the monastery at Jacob's Well, claiming it as a Jewish holy place and demanding that all crosses and icons be removed. Of course, the Saint pointed out that the floor upon which they were standing had been built by Emperor Constantine before 331 A.D. and had served as an Orthodox Christian holy place for sixteen centuries before the Israeli State was created, and had been in Samaritan hands eight centuries before that.<ref group="note">The rest of the original church had been destroyed by the invasion of Shah Khosran Parvis in the early seventh century, at which time the Jews massacred all the Christians of Jerusalem.</ref> The group left with threats, insults and obscenities of the kind which local Christians suffer regularly.<ref name="NOCTOC"/>

After a few days, on November 16/29, 1979, during a torrential downpour, a group broke into the monastery. The saint had already put on his epitrachelion for Vespers.

"They burst into the monastery and with a hatchet butchered Archimandrite Philoumenos in the form of a cross. With one vertical stroke they clove his face, with another horizontal stroke they cut his cheeks as far as his ears. His eyes were plucked out. The fingers of his right hand were cut into pieces and its thumb was hacked off. These were the fingers with which he made the sign of the Cross. The murderers were not content with the butchering of the innocent monk, but proceeded to desecrate the church as well. A crucifix was destroyed, the sacred vessels were scattered and defiled, and the church was in general subjected to sacrilege of the most appalling type."<ref name="ALL SAINTS">All Saints of North America Russian Orthodox Church. Holy Hieromartyr Philoumenos.</ref>

The piecemeal chopping of the three fingers with which he made the Sign of the Cross showed that he was tortured in an attempt to make him renounce his Orthodox Christian Faith.<ref group="note">It was later determined that the person that did the actual murder was an American Jew. Instead of being imprisioned for this criminal act by the Israeli government, he was merely deported back to the U.S. where he freely walks the streets. ( December 04, 2002. (Online Forum).</ref><ref name="NOCTOC"/>

The body of the Saint was handed over to the Orthodox 6 days after his massacre, but retained its flexibility and was buried in the cemetery of Mount Zion.<ref name="NOCTOC"/> Saint Philoumenos served in the Holy Land for 46 years (1933-1979).


After four years his body was exhumed, as is customary among Greek monks. It was found to be substantially incorrupt and had the smell of a beautiful scent. Then the tomb was closed and was reopened during the Christmas season of 1984.<ref name="NOCTOC"/>

Datei:Relics of Fr Philoumenos of Jacobs Well.jpg
The Relics of New Hieromartyr Philoumenos of Jacobs Well.

On November 17/30, Patriarch Diodorus of Jerusalem, accompanied by various Greek bishops, archimandrites, clergymen and monastics, opened the grave. The coffin was reverently removed from its grave in the cemetery of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher on Mount Sion, and, when the shroud was lifted off, the relics were found to be substantially incorrupt. The remains were rinsed with wine, and then wrapped in a sheet. A short requiem service was then chanted.<ref name="ALL SAINTS"/> His body was then placed in a glass shrine in the northern part of the sacred Holy Altar in Mount Zion.<ref group="note">In the seminary chapel of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.</ref><ref name="NOCTOC"/>

Hieromartyr Philoumenos was ranked among the Saints of the Church of Jerusalem on August 17/30, 2008, and from that time, his incorrupt body was transferred to the pilgrimage site of Saint Jacob's Well where he had found martyrdom for the love of Christ.<ref name="NOCTOC"/><ref group="note">Notes on Arab Orthodoxy (blogspot). "The New Hieromartyr Philoumenos." Sunday, December 6, 2009.)
The following is translated from the website of the Archdiocese of Tripoli.

Nablus (30.11.2009)—Yesterday, at the Orthodox Church of Jacob’s Well in Nablus the beatification of the martyr Philoumenos and the placing of his name in the Synaxarion of saints of the Orthodox Church was officially announced by the Holy Synod. His Beatitude the Patriarch Theophilus III presided at the Divine Liturgy, along with the bishops of the patriarchal see of Jerusalem and a number of bishops from the Church of Cyprus, in addition to a delegation from the Russian Church. The relics of the saint are preserved in the church in which he was martyred. During the Divine Liturgy, the decision of the Holy Synod to place the martyr Archimandrite Philoumenos in the Synaxarion was officially announced. His annual commemoration will be November 29, the anniversary of his martyrdom.</ref>

His memory is honored on November 29,<ref name=SYNAX/> especially in the Holy Metropolis of Morphou of the Church of Cyprus, and the community of Orounta, which observes an all-night long church service in memory of the martyr Saint Philoumenos the New.<ref name="NOCTOC"/>

The Lord has seen fit to allow our generation of Christians to have martyrs of its own. It is without a doubt that the blood of murdered Orthodox Christians such as Archimandrite Philoumenos in the Holy Land, Hieromonk Vasily and the two Optina monks in Russia and Brother Jose Munoz in the West, is today’s "seed", which is ripening and will produce a harvest in Christ's Vineyard.<ref>Western American Diocese: Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (News Archive). The 10th Anniversary of Brother Jose's Repose is Marked in San Francisco. October 31, 2007.</ref>


Datei:29 nov philoumenos of jacobs well.jpg
St. Philoumenus, Newmartyr of Jacob's well, November 29.
Vanquisher of daemons,
dispeller of the powers of darkness,
by thy meekness thou hast inherited the earth
and reignest in the Heavens;
intercede, therefore, with our Merciful God,
that our souls may be saved.<ref name="ALL SAINTS"/>
At Jacob's Well you were proved well named:
loving Christ, confessing Him, pouring out your sacred blood.
Being faithful in small things you were set over great.
Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth,
you are now Guardian of the Holy Places forever.<ref name="ACROD"/>

Apolytikion, Kontakion, Megalynarion (Greek)

Datei:Icon -- St Philoumenos -- Jacob's Well Church in Palestine.jpeg
"The martyrdom of Philoumenos", wall icon from the Church of Jacob's Well (Nablus, West Bank).
Απολυτίκιο. Ήχος α΄. Της ερήμου πολίτην.
Της Ορούντης τον γόνον,
νήσου Κύπρου του βλάστημα και ιερομάρτυρα νέον Ιακώβ θείου Φρέατος,
Φιλούμενον τιμήσωμεν, πιστοί, ως πρόμαχον της πίστεως ημών,
και αήττητον οπλίτην Χριστού της αληθείας, πόθω κράζοντες
δόξα τω σε δοξάσαντι Χριστώ,
δόξα τω σε αφθαρτίσαντι,
δόξα τω σε ημίν χειραγωγόν προς πόλον δείξαντι!
Κοντάκιο. Ήχος πλ. δ΄. Τη Υπερμάχω.
Τον ανατείλαντα ως άστρον νεαυγέστατον τη Εκκλησία του Χριστού αρτίως μέλψωμεν,
μαρτυρίου ταις ακτίσι και θαυμασίων ταις βολαίς νεοφανέντα ιερόαθλον,
ού ηφθάρτισε το σκήνωμα ο Ύψιστος,
πόθω κράζοντες χαίροις,
μάκαρ Φιλούμενε.
Χαίροις, της Ορούντης σεπτός βλαστός,
χαίροις, νήσου Κύπρου πολυτίμητος θησαυρός,
χαίροις, Εκκλησίας της Μόρφου ωραιότητης,
Φιλούμενε, μαρτύρων νέων υπόδειγμα!<ref>Θεοδωρος Ι. Ρηγινιωτης. Σύγχρονοι άγιοι και όσιοι στην Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Αυγουστος 2004. Page 60.</ref>

See also


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Greek sources

Category:Elders Category:Monastics Category:Martyrs Category:Saints Category:Greek Saints Category:Modern Saints


thumb|right|350px|Ícone de São Filomeno, o Novo Hieromártir

São Filomeno do Poço de Jacó, também conhecido como São Filomeno, o Novo Hieromártir (15 de outubro de 1913 - 16 de novembro de 1979), foi um arquimandrita do Mosteiro do Poço de Jacó, próximo de Samaria (agora Nablus, Cisjordânia), brutalmente martirizado por um grupo de judeus. Sua memória é celebrada no dia 29 de novembro.


Primeiros anos

Arquimandrita Filomeno (em grego: Φιλουμενος; transl. Filoumenos), nascido Sófocles Hasapias (em grego: Σοφοκλής Χασάπης; transl. Sofloklis Hasapis) na aldeia de Orounta, Província de Morphou, Chipre, era filho de Jorge e Madalena Hasapis. Possuía um irmão gêmeo, Elpídio, que posteriormente também veio a se tornar um arquimandrita. Apesar de serem de Orounta, frequentavam a Igreja de São Savvas em Nicósia, onde seu pai possuía uma pousada e uma padaria.<ref name="dois">Rev. Pe. Edward Pehanich. Father Philoumenos of Jacobs Well 1913-1979. The Church Messenger, American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. Volume LXIV, Número 1, 27 de Janeiro de 2008. Página 7. (em inglês)</ref>

Desde a juventude os dois irmãos já demonstravam um zelo especial pelas Sagradas Escrituras, sendo inspirados em particular pela sua avó Loxontra, que, além de sua mãe, os influenciou no aprendizado dos caminhos da Igreja e o desenvolvimento de uma verdadeira consciência ortodoxa.<ref name="tres">NOCTOC: Ο Κύπριος Άγιος Φιλούμενος που κατακρεούργησαν οι σιωνιστές Εβραίοι το 1979-The Cypriot Saint Philoumenos who was massacred by Zionist Jews in 1979. Sábado, 29 de novembro de 2008.</ref>

Juntamente com seu irmão, Filomeno demostrava um forte entusiasmo pela oração, lia frequentemente a vida dos santos e aprendia os hinos da Igreja. Os dois irmãos foram tocados especialmente pela vida de São João, o Kalyvitis, que de certa forma criou tal impacto a ponto de inspirá-los a querer seguir a vida monástica.

Aos 14 anos de idade ambos ingressaram no antigo Monastério de Stavrovouni, fundado pela Santa Imperatriz Helena, onde permaneceram por cinco anos.<ref name="tres" />

Na Terra Santa

Posteriormente, ambos partiram para Jerusalém, onde completaram sua educação secundária. Após a conclusão dos estudos, Elpídio foi ordenado e enviado para servir em diferentes lugares, até que enfim migrou para o Monte Athos, enquanto Filomeno ingressou na Irmandade Monástica do Santo Sepulcro, em Jerusalém.<ref name="dois" /> thumb|right|250px|Arquimandrita Filomeno no Poço de Jacó Seu filho espiritual, o monge Yeghia, registrou algumas memórias de seu pai em Cristo:

"Padre Philoumenos costumava me contar a respeito de seus anos em Belém, onde o bispo desaprovava a educação aos monges a não ser que estivessem tentados ao sacerdócio. Mas por conta de seu zelo pelas almas negligenciadas dos fiéis palestinos, Padre Filomeno estudou a fim de se tornar fluente em árabe, tanto na leitura como conversação, cantando o Santo Evangelho com mais facilidade que muitos árabes, e pregando a fé ortodoxa não apenas na língua deles mas em sua maneira ortodoxa de vida. Que grande pastor ele era, mais digno que alguns do episcopado! Contudo, as políticas e as necessidades do patriarcado viram Padre Filomeno designado a outros cargos. Sempre que os fiéis palestinos estavam escandalizados por causa de um sacerdote indigno, sempre que a negligência por parte dos ortodoxos ou o dinheiro europeu levavam os fiéis a questionar se não receberiam um melhor cuidado pastoral pelos Uniatas, era o Padre Filomeno que o Patriarca de Jerusalém enviava como verdadeiro defensor da fé, um homem com mais do que uma vida irrepreensível, um homem de quem ninguém poderia sequer imaginar qualquer palavra imodesta ou imprópria, um homem cuja fé e integridade eram modelo para todos."<ref name="quatro">Monge Yeghia Yenovkian. Tribute to a New Martyr - Our Holy Father Philoumenos of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre . Martyred at Jacob's Well, 16/29 November, 1979. Orthodox America, 1994.</ref>
"Três coisas foram as mais notável sobre a bem-aventurado mártir. A primeira pode ter sido, em parte, da natureza, mas certamente ajudada pela Graça: isto era sua doce e suave voz, que eu ainda posso ouvir hoje. A segunda era a fidelidade meticulosa às coisas pequenas, mas especificamente ao Serviço Divino. Ele nunca omitiu uma palavra de nenhum serviço diário. Quando nós estávamos sozinhos em algum monastério remoto, particularmente para as Matinas, ele cantava cuidadosamente e lentamente cada palavra de todo salmo e cânone. Nem mesmo no Monastério de São Sabba a leitura era feita tão bem. Mas quando havia peregrinos para a Divina Liturgia e as Vésperas, ele fazia condensações habituais para que o serviço não ficassem tão longo e alguns fossem tentados a abandoná-lo. Posteriormente, em particular, lia cada palavra que não era cantada na Igreja. Aqueles que ficavam com ele por algum tempo viam as cópias do Menaion, Horologion, Synaxarion, etc, e percebiam que os marcadores estavam sempre no lugar e os volumes nunca empoeirados, que valeu a Divina Promeça: "Bem está, servo bom e fiel, porque tu foste fiel sobre as pequenas coisas, sobre grandes coisas te colocarei; entra tu no júbilo do Senhor." (Marcos 25:21) A terceira, e mais discreta, quase secreta, era sua humildade."<ref name="quatro" />

Em 1979, Padre Filomeno foi nomeado guardião do Monastério do Poço de Jacó.


thumb|left|135px|Lê-se no pergaminho: "E não temas os que matam o corpo, mas não podem matar a alma" O momento culminante de sua peregrinação terrena aconteceu em 29 de novembro de 1979, dia de seu onomástico, no santuário construído no local do Poço de Jacó. Na semana anterior, um grupo de fanáticos sionistas adentraram ao monastério afirmando que o lugar era um local sagrado judeu, e que todas as cruzes e ícones deveriam ser removidos. É claro que o guardião do monastério argumentou que aquele lugar onde eles estavam foi construído pelo Santo Imperador Constantino antes de 331, e que desde então servia como um lugar sagrado para os cristãos ortodoxos por dezesseis séculos antes do estado israelita ser criado; e além do mais, estava em mãos samaritanas oito séculos antes deste acontecimento. O grupo então reagiu as argumentações do monge proferindo todo o tipo de ameaças, insultos e obscenidades que os cristãos locais sofrem regularmente.<ref name="tres" />

Passados alguns dias, em uma noite na qual chovia torrencialmente, o grupo invadiu o monastério. Padre Filomeno já estava paramentado com o seu epitrachelion para celebrar as Vésperas. Os judeus adentram a nave, tomaram o monge e começaram a cortar o seu corpo com uma machadinha, em cortes em forma de cruz, primeiramente em seu rosto. Dominado por dois homens, o monge teve suas orelhas decepadas e seus olhos arrancados. Eles também cortaram os dedos de sua mão direita em pedaços e seu polegar foi jogado fora. Estes foram os dedos com o qual ele fez o sinal da cruz. Após constatar a morte do monge, os judeus submeteram o Santo templo a todo tipo de profanação, com formas de sacrilégio das mais terríveis.<ref>All Saints of North America Russian Orthodox Church. Holy Hieromartyr Philoumenos.</ref>

Os cortes fragmentados dos três dedos com o qual ele fez o sinal da cruz indicavam que foi torturado em uma tentativa de fazê-lo renunciar a sua fé. Seu corpo foi levado da Igreja, retornando somente seis dias após o massacre. Apesar disso, manteve sua flexibilidade e foi sepultado no Cemitério do Monte Sião. O Novo Mártir Filomeno serviu na Terra Santa por 46 anos (1933-1979).


thumb|right|200px|Relíquias de São Filomeno no Monastério do Poço de Jacó Como é de costume entre os monges gregos, após quatro anos o corpo do monge foi exumado. Ele foi encontrado substancialmente incorrupto, exalando uma agradável odor. Em seguida, seu tumulo foi fechado para ser posteriormente reaberto no período da Natividade de 1984.

Em 17 de novembro (CJ: 30 de novembro) do mesmo ano, o Patriarca Diodoro de Jerusalém, acompanhado por vários bispos, arquimandritas, presbíteros e monges, abriram o túmulo. O caixão foi reverentemente retirado de seu túmulo no cemitério da Irmandade do Santo Sepulcro no Monte Sião, e, quando o sudário foi levantado, as relíquias foram encontrados novamente substancialmente incorruptas. Os restos mortais foram lavados com vinho e depois enrolado em um lençol. Um curto serviço de Panihida foi então celebrado.<ref name="tres" />

Vinte e nove anos após o seu martírio, suas relíquias regressaram ao Poço de Jacó através do Metropolita Neófito de Morphou da Igreja do Chipre, com a benção de Sua Beatitude o Patriarca Teófilo III de Jerusalém.<ref>Aristeidi Viketou. The transfer of the Sacred Relics of the hieromartyr Philoumenos the Cypriot to Jacob’s Well.</ref> Posteriormente em 11 de setembro de 2009, o Santo Sínodo da Igreja de Jerusalém decidiu classificá-lo em seu Hagiologion. Em 29 de novembro, Sua Beatitude, juntamente com outros arcebispos e presbíteros, foi até o Poço de Jacó para oficializar a glorificação. Em sua chegada, foi cordialmente recebido pelo Arquimandrita Ioustinos, presbíteros da Irmandade e outros padres de outras igrejas locais, enquanto uma multidão de fiéis já havia lotado a Igreja e o seu pátio. Sua Beatitude presidiu a Divina Liturgia juntamente com os bispos da Sé Patriarcal e um outro número de clérigos das Igrejas do Chipre, Grécia, Rússia, Romênia e Ucrânia, que lideravam grupos de peregrinos. São Filomeno foi então oficialmente glorificado e sua memória é comemorada pela Igreja neste mesmo dia, especialmente na Santa Metrópole de Morphou da Igreja do Chipre e na comunidade de Orounta, que observa anualmente uma noite inteira de serviços completos em uma Igreja edificada em honra a memória do Novo Mártir.

São Filomeno faz parte dos novos mártires da era moderna, juntamente o irmão José Muñoz-Cortes, guardião do Ícone de Montreal da Deípara, o Hieromártir Daniel Sysoyev, martirizado por um fanático muçulmano, os Novos Mártires do Monastério de Optina na Rússia e o Hieromártir John Karastamatis na Califórnia, martirizados por satanistas, entre outros. Esta é uma prova de que os martírios não são resumidos a Roma pagã ou ao sangrento período comunista, mas sim algo presente em nossos dias.


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Categoria:Santos Categoria:Santos do século XX Categoria:Arquimandritas Categoria:Monásticos Categoria:Santos gregos Categoria:Santos palestinos Categoria:Mártires